The Alchemist

著者 :
  • HarperCollins
  • (65)
  • (29)
  • (27)
  • (5)
  • (1)
本棚登録 : 339
感想 : 44
  • ・洋書 (208ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780061233845


  • 一番大切なものはいつも目の前にある。

  • 読みやすい。複雑な英語ではないし、短いのでさくさく進む。
    人が己のPersonal Legendを実現しようとその気になったら、宇宙は必ず導いてくれる、力添えしてくれる。成功へのヒントは常に誰にも等しく与えられている、それに気付けるか、紐解けるか、理解し実行できるか、その辺りがテーマだと個人的には受け取ったのだけど、如何せんスピリチュアル系は普段めったに読まないので、このジャンルにおける読解力にいまいち自信がない。

  • All you have to do is to do your best. but how come most of us cannot do this? Sometimes people give up their desire because it's too far to reach the dream. Others are afraid to achieve their dream and so on. That's why it's really few people to achieve their dream(Personal Legend).

    This book was written about, as it were, the story of winner's life, but the boy named Santiago was trying hard to find their treasure and Personal Legend. As a result, though the book was about the story of victor's life, sometimes he encountered thief, and also sometimes
    experienced severe situation. His journey was not always fun. So this book apparently a tale of victor's life, but it isn't.

    I knew to hear the sound of wind, have a relationship with some part of nature from this book, but i think this enable people who only have a pure heart to hear and feel this. But I will try as possible I can though I don't have pure heart and no gentle.hahaha

    The boy met a lot of unforgettable people in his life like alchemist, Englishman, the old king, crystal shop merchant and Fatima. They were necessary for the boy to get his treasure, therefore nothing them, nothing him. I could see how precious the relationship with other people are. I know friends only can meet at journey. And i learned a lot of things like their way of thinking, culture, behavior etc from them. So this also nothing them, nothing me!

    First, i had thought was really hard for me to read a book in English. But this book was a gift from my boyfriend, So I decided to read. But I wasn't willing to read the book because of English... but continued to read little by little everyday. However i read most of the main stories (about the rest of 50 pages ) in this 4 days. In the end this book was written in relatively simple English, so even me could understand :D Although took a long time to finish this book up, I appreciate my boyfriend to give this book for me.

    Anyway now I want to read this book written in Japanese ASAP because want to contemplate and deepen this story.

    Orwell it's almost time to board an airplane. So I gotta go :)

  • 傑作。中高生の時に読んでおきたかった。

  • 世界的な名著ということで読んでみた。

  • 23年前に、翻訳版を初めて読みました。今回、フィリピン人の英語の先生に勧められて英語版を読んでみました。英語のオリジナルではないせいか、難しい言い回しはなく、比較的楽しく読み進められました。全世界で愛読されている、繰り返し読みたくなる本です。

  • 読む年齢によって解釈が変わりそうな本

  • 不思議な本です。世界中で最も読まれた本ベスト10の第5位だそうです。ちなみに1位は聖書

  • 少年が色んな人に出合い、出来事に遭遇しながら人生について考える物語。ストーリーの流れが現実的ではないので、読みながらフワフワしているイメージ、感覚があった。

  • 日本語版でもおすすめされている人が多かったので購入。仕事で途中ブランクを空けながら読んだせいか、ストーリーの印象が薄いのが残念。主人公が出会いや別れとともに精神的に成長し、夢を追い続けることの魅力、愛することの大切さが印象深く残った。

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