The Witches

著者 :
  • Viking Books for Young Readers
  • (34)
  • (22)
  • (15)
  • (1)
  • (0)
本棚登録 : 201
感想 : 32
  • ・洋書 (224ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780142410110


This is not a fairy tale. This is about "real" witches. Grandmamma loves to tell about witches. Real witches are the most dangerous of all living creatures on earth. There's nothing they hate so much as children, and they work all kinds of terrifying spells to get rid of them. Her grandson listens closely to Grandmamma's stories--but nothing can prepare him for the day he comes face-to-face with The Grand High Witch herself!


  • A couple of days ago, I finished reading my third book for this year in English without using a dictionary. I read "The Witch".

    I really enjoyed reading it. When I read the last part of the story, I almost cried. That's because the story was so great. If the person whom you really love transformed from a human to a mouse, can you accept the situation? Can you still love the person (I mean the mouse)?

    I think there are many kind of similar stories. For example, if you realize that your lovely daughter or son is gay, can you accept it? I know that it's very difficult. If I were in the situation, I'm not sure if I could accept it or not. I definitely would be upset and start to blame my daughter. However, the most important thing is if the person whom you really love feel happy in the situation, you have to understand it. We sometimes misunderstand how to love someone. If we really love someone, we just love them, and we don't have to love them from their appearances, status, fame and so on. The book has been teaching such things to me.

  • 夕方からずっと 夜ご飯も食べずに 何時間も読み続け、ついには 一気に読了。
    7歳の子供にしては すごい集中力を見せてくれました。それだけ面白かったのでしょう。
    どうも 「やめられない、止まらない」要素が ロアルド ダールの本にはあるようですね。
    でも 話が少し怖かったので星四つだそうです。

    • おさる家さん
  • なかなか衝撃的な魔女についての知識から始まり、主人公のスリリングな冒険や頼りになるかっこいいおばあちゃんと飽きることなく読み進められて面白かった。

  • This book has been my favorite since I was a child. I was only excited about the battle of the boy and witches as a child, but now, I was impressed the part when the boy said, ”It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like so long as somebody loves you.” I admired he had a positive perspective even though he became a mouse. I also hoped Bruno would be happy with his family. He was a loveable character.

  • 2019年6月9日に紹介されました!

  • I like the part where the boy all most got caught by the witches.

  • I really like this book because,its a funny and it has
    scariness about the witches who turn the boy to a
    mouse.Its a really good book.

  • ダール作品の中でこれが一番好きだった!

  • YL: 6.5

  • 読む会5冊目。 2012. 5 - 2012. 6

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