The Witches

著者 :
  • Viking Books for Young Readers
  • (34)
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本棚登録 : 201
感想 : 32
  • ・洋書 (224ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780142410110


  • A couple of days ago, I finished reading my third book for this year in English without using a dictionary. I read "The Witch".

    I really enjoyed reading it. When I read the last part of the story, I almost cried. That's because the story was so great. If the person whom you really love transformed from a human to a mouse, can you accept the situation? Can you still love the person (I mean the mouse)?

    I think there are many kind of similar stories. For example, if you realize that your lovely daughter or son is gay, can you accept it? I know that it's very difficult. If I were in the situation, I'm not sure if I could accept it or not. I definitely would be upset and start to blame my daughter. However, the most important thing is if the person whom you really love feel happy in the situation, you have to understand it. We sometimes misunderstand how to love someone. If we really love someone, we just love them, and we don't have to love them from their appearances, status, fame and so on. The book has been teaching such things to me.

  • なかなか衝撃的な魔女についての知識から始まり、主人公のスリリングな冒険や頼りになるかっこいいおばあちゃんと飽きることなく読み進められて面白かった。

  • I like the part where the boy all most got caught by the witches.

  • YL: 6.5

  • 「読む会」2冊目の本♪



  • Darlの中でもかなり面白い作品。

  • キャプテンアンダーパンツから1ステップ進むことができた記念すべき一冊。

  • YL 6.5   36,547語


  • YL:6.5 / 語数:36,547 / 131ページ

    久しぶりに読んだRoald Dahlは面白かった!!

  • Mel's Favorite.


    Real witch real witch . one by magic power. Very frighting. Make you nervous. Woman. Always. Living next door. Might have bright eyes. Might be lovly your school teacher. The fat I am still here. Wonderful. Grandmother. England. Have lived there. Norway. My mother’ car skided. My parent killed. Forehead. Scar. Very next day. Forget tragedy. Subject of witches. Listen. Vanish. Which took them my grandmother smell of burning rubber. Ranguenhill. Bread. Little sister. No one. Ever saw rangunhill going. Every case outsid the house. Halo. One morning. Greysih yellow. By evening. Boy turning to stone. Stone statue. I don’t care what’s age you are . you never catch cold. Not much. There are witches everywhere. In the first grade. Real witch evening summer finger nail like cat grab to hide them. The 2 thing. Always bold. Bold. You can take it single hair. Not at all. A real w is wig. To hide the boldness. Ordinary hair. Comes off. I have to do it. Don’t be foolish. Just see what happens. Wigs. Problem. Sculp. Nasty . recognize the witch. Look nose. Large nose holes. Pink seashell. Big nose. Smelly with child pitch black night. Yes she could absolutely clean child. Dirty. It is you. Actually your own skin. Oozing stink way go floating smacking your skin covered with dirt. Nearly so strongy. My once. Sensible child. Moment I love my grandmother than more than ever fun.
    Witches two
    Each eye. Black dot keep changing fire very center. All of your skin. Never have toes. Rubber pointed shoes. Hide wig. And toes. Squeeze pretty shoes. Blue exactly. You can ever just by looking re glass. Gramma said. Did you ever meet witch? Once. What’s happened. Too horrible. Suddenly. Began to quiver. All of a sudden. Conversation was finished. Next day. Man with a black suit. England. Why. Can’t stay. I know there are a lot of . There were no way. We have to go to England. Not many witches in England. Sucking away stinking . all grown up squish. Is every single country has witch. Communicate forlorn witch. Receive high witch powerful without mercy. I have her. Book hotel. Holding meeting. Nobody. Try to discover the secret headquaters. I am . when I was younger. Try to ..high witch. Machine. Government used. My guess is all the money she wants. Witches are everywhere. Gramma said. So sure she’s existed. The next morning. Everything come back normal again. Tree house. Timmy . cave . suddenly. Woman standing below me. Most peculiar way. She was wearing. Bows. Groves. All over. I have present for you. Come down. It’s time ..come down here. I’ll give. Quivering with fear. It began grow dark. Calling my name. Is that woman gone? The woman in black gloves. You can come down . she’s gone. You’ll be alright with me. My gramma trembling. One child. Those creatures. I became very witch conscious. It was my first witch. But it’s not the last one.
    Witches 3
    You may remove your gloves. You may remove your shoes. Square. Spotty scalps. A child killer, every one of them. Witches England. Miserable witch. A shadow audience, breakfast. Little children. Smelly children. Nobody answered the question. Children smell! Squash. We can possibly. Who said that it was you. Was it not? Could be. I was just talking to myself. Shaking. Screamed. Begged witch. Save me. Barbecue. A grand high witches eyes. Horrible scream. Smell of burning. Smoke. Rose up . said grand high witch. Get down to the business. Every single child in a whole England. Disappear. In England in one stroke. Snapped. Every each one of you go back to your country. Resign. Sweet shop. Because as a shop. Nobody refuse. Bank note. All new and crisp. Homemade. Grinned. Very sweet. Every child. Gala opening. Greatest magic formula. Mice mica. Quite enough. So here is what happened. Child goes home. Feeling high. Morning. Goes to school. Feeling fine. It is starting work at 9. shrink. Starting grow. Not child any longer. It is a mouse. Above the voice. Awful . fly the skin. Mash. Slash them. And in the morning. She yelled. A boy standing next to we look like freaks. Cheeks. Extremely I’m growing small. Only mice. All running and running school floor. Shout. Mice get out . mouse trap. Mouse trap every trap. Mouse trap. Spring goes . lovely noise. Above the ground. Teacher. Not a single child inside. All the children gone. They never. Poor teacher don’t know what to do. All the witch shout hooray!
    お菓子屋さんを開いて、全ての子供達を、魔法でネズミに変える計画を立てている。魔女たちは、high grand witchの策略にhooray!と万歳と叫んでいる。
    The witches 5
    The mouse. It’s not a boy. Mouse. Growing small. Snippy, snap. Powerful spring. Lovely noise. Dead mice. What’s going on?
    The ground high witch. Shrienking. Mice. Mice. Platform. Skirts. Fat. With me. Pet mouse. Belonging to a boy. Not keeping pet mice. Smelly little boy. Try for breakfast. Nothing draw attention. Evil smelly squat. I shall smell him. Supper. You can imagine. Attention again. Now give you a recipe. Formula. Action mouse. Cause become very small very quickly. Telescope. So telescope. Boil. 45. carving knife. Fry. Crisp. Chopped off. Shimmer. Burn for hour. Putting something. 9 oclock next morning. Secret. Is an alarm clock. Set 24. exactly 9 oclock tomorrow morning. To crisp. Fried. Cooked mice. Put them in mixer. Mixing. Add yolk. Burn after craw. Beak. Smell. Cat springer. Excellent. Mix everything. Looking green liquid. Into a chocolate. Turn into a mouse. 26seconds. Might instant effect. So be careful. Work to perfection. Yesterday. I prepared. Public demonstration. Listening intently. Into a chocolate bar. Smelly little boy. I watched. They he had to finish. Would you like some more. Six more chocolate. Tomorrow afternoon. It is now . 5 minutes time. Standing outside the door. Banging. Shriek. Put on your shoes. All of a sudden. Became pretty young woman. He’s also greedy. Hello. Little men. How lovely. He with parents. Magnifying glass. Focus on. Stop doing it. At that point. Many pieces. My father. Is gonna get you. –8:00
    Ground high witchは、子供をねずみに変えてしまう、緑色の液体の作り方と、今から一人の少年に、魔女たちの前で、魔法の液体入りチョコレートを食べさせようとしている。
    The witches 7
    Bruno. Can you explain, tell me. Lap. Began stroking. Bruno and I still can speak just like before. Your own brain, heart. You are human In mouse’s clothing. Take me balcony, I can go down. Balcony. Balcony below. Get in. what would you do. We can turn them all into mice. How would you get in. how you climb then. Balcony. Fence. If I fell. I’ve got it. Knitten. This is perfect. Good luck, my darling. Bump. In your go. Hurry , hurry, search the room. This was not easy. Middle of the floor. Hide. Drawer. What’s about under the matless. Can’t see a thing. I reach. Paw. And another. Grand high witch. I began. Mat. Neck. Climb down. Walk back and forth. Onto the carpet. It bounced. Staring at me large big eyes. They were been children. Who are you. Door open. Swept in. clutch. 3 folks. There they are. You could stay. Window. Supper. Suddenly my grandma’s voice. You better come out hurry. Who’s calling. Who’s this in my balcony. Kitten ball hanging on here. I dropped it by mistake. I can pull up this. Just talking to . hurry up and climb quickly. Get completely. Do you have children? I don’t. I was caught. I was. I’ll be caught. Bedroom door. Six oclock. I saw. Toward the door. Door open. Come in,. I saw my chance. Open door. Jump. I was in the corridor. No one had seen me.
    全部の魔女をねずみにかえようと、grand high witchの部屋に忍びこんで、脱出できた。
    Dangerous. You are really are very clever mouse. Squeeze the door. I’m coming with you, said Bruno. Undone. Bruno in first. Good luck, my darling. Climbing back kitchen. High places. I could practice using. This. We’ve got to go. Dining huge small one. Mygrand mother made her way sit down. Too long table. Reserve for member, rp. She lift me up. Whisper. Almost grand no one will see you. I’m ready grandmother. Under the table. Clean clo. th. Until I reach the kitchen door. Goin hit garbage bin on the floor. Cook. 27. bin. Summersalt in the air. Swinging up side down. Terrific. I like it. Circus mouse. Soup. I saw. Onto. Against. So long shelf. Once again. Hanging up side down. I made a perfect liding. Middle of the shelf. I was up. Flying pans. Quickly. Next morment. Soup pan. All I had. Grandmother. Get to mouse mica. Swang. All . pans and pot are boiling. This is the life. Exciting job like this. Yelling. Mess. Mouse. Carfing knife. I was falling falling head fast toward the floor.


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