
制作 : 斎藤環  都築響一  椹木野衣  増田聡  飯田豊  石岡良治  卯城竜太  櫛野展正  津口在五 
  • フィルムアート社 (2014年10月7日発売)
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本棚登録 : 71
感想 : 6


[New Book!] There is an art museum which held an exhibition "Yankii (=delinquent juvenile in colloquial Japanese) Anthropology " in Hiroshima. The exhibits are Yankii's creations and collections. The museum is specialized for "Art Brut" and the concept of this exhibition was "Yankii: Who burst through the art!"
By the way, "Art Brut" is not "art creations by people with disabilities", but "creations by people who are not affected by art culture at all".
Specific exhibits are "Decorated cargo truck", "Decorated motorbike", "Decorated bicycle". There are much more you have to see: biker-gang's flag, their suicide attack uniform, five floored castle tower on the top of the home of one's own...
That's a parade of "What is this shit!?" Yankiies correctly "burst through".
You must see this book!!

読書状況:未設定 公開設定:公開
カテゴリ: 新着図書つぶやき2014
感想投稿日 : 2014年12月16日
本棚登録日 : 2014年12月16日


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