Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment

  • McGraw-Hill
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本棚登録 : 13
感想 : 3
  • Amazon.co.jp ・本 (192ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 8600007224496


  • Shahar talk about the important of living in the present, and living in the future for the ultimate currency - Happiness.

    This is a work book, by following the exercise help me to enhance the self awareness. And therefore become more happier.

    The question we should not ask is, "Am I happy?" instead we should ask "Am I happier than before?"

  • ◆Capter1
    ○How can i become happier?
    ○what rituals make you happier? introduce one or two rituals at a time, and make sure they become habits before you introduce new ones.
    ○Each night before going to sleep, write down at least five things that made or make you happy.
    ○the 4 archetypes: Rat race, Nihilism, Hedonism, and Happiness
    ○Happiness is...? the overall experience of pleasure and meaning
    ○Mapping your life and make a list of the things that are most meaningful and pleasurable to you.
    ○Happiness as the ultimate currency
    ○Create a happiness map --based on the data you collected in the exercise in the Capter3, envision your ideal week
    ○Set self-concordant goals
    ○Flow= task difficulty × skill level
    ○Create an education program for yourself
    ○Write about your failure, and some of the lessons and benefits that came about as a result of the experience

    ◆Capter 7
    ○Work as a job, as a career, as a calling
    ○A job= a chore, with the focus being financial rewards rather than personal fulfillment
    ○A career= motivated by extrinsic factors, such as money and advancement by power and prestige
    ○A calling=work is an end itself. he works because he wants to.
    ○3 questions of the MPS process: ①what give me meaning? wha t provides me with a sense of meaning? ②what gives me pleasure? what do I enjoy doing? ③ what are my strengths? what am I good at?
    ○Job discriprion → Calling discription

    ◆Capter 8
    ○Cultivationg over Finding= cultivating the one chosen relationship

    ◆Capter 9
    ○Self-interest and benevolence

    ◆Capter 10
    ○Happiness boosters =activities that provide us with both meaning and pleasure

    ◆Capter 11

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