Kafka On The Shore (Vintage Magic)

著者 :
  • Vintage
  • (8)
  • (7)
  • (15)
  • (0)
  • (0)
本棚登録 : 102
感想 : 8
  • Amazon.co.jp ・洋書 (624ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780099494096


  • 総語数:139113

  • "Solitude comes in different varieties."

    "People soon get tired of things that aren't boring, but not of what is boring."

  • Kafka Tamura, a 15-year-old student, decides to run away -- run away to Takamatsu, in Shikoku. He is lost in a labyrinth called life and time, along with an evil prophecy from his father.
    Nakata is a fairly elderly man. His ability to read and write was lost long ago because of a certain incident, but can speak to cats.
    The two create a story from two seemingly different vectors.

    Kafka tells his story from the first person, and sometimes, second person.
    Nakata's story is built from the base by a series of letters and reports. After these, Nakata's tale is given to the reader from the third person.

    All that can be said is that this story is utterly enchanting, spellbinding, and mystical. Murakami's effort to portray the fundamentals of human beings makes the story more enjoyable and realistic. Yet, this story has the element of fantasy.

    Murakami trims the light and darkness of youth and glues them together. This novel's world is something that one cannot just step out of; one must suffer, one must savor, one must sympathize with the characters. The spice of adulthood and the sugar of humor adds a nice taste to the whole story.

    A recommendable book for teenagers especially,


  • なんか洋書読む元気がなくて、途中まで読んでは投げを2回位した後に読み始めました。購入時は勘違いだらけの学生だったなぁ…。

  • オイディプス神話をベースに、15歳の少年と老人のそれぞれの旅が、古今東西の文芸作品を引用しながら描かれる。ストーリー展開が早く、比較的シンプルな英語で書かれているので、読みやすい。

  • 英語で読んだ時の登場人物の印象と日本語版を読んだときの印象がどう変わるかが楽しみ。ちょっと日本語のをめくってみたときナカタさんってこんな話し方するんだあって驚いた。

  • 家出する事にした少年、猫と話が出来る老人のそれぞれの旅、その中で各々が出会う人物も絡んだ謎の多いエピソードの数々、そして最終段階へ・・・。ミステリアスなのに、乾いた文体で書かれており、感情の動きを強要される事なく読める。また、再読したい。

  • 持ち主:清水

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