High Fidelity

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本棚登録 : 32
感想 : 6
  • Amazon.co.jp ・洋書 (256ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780141026640


  • 「An Education」(邦題は「17歳の肖像」)の脚本を書いたNick Hornby の小説ということで読んでみました。洋楽ファンじゃないので、その辺のニュアンスがいまいち分からずで★★★です。「About a Boy」の作者でもあるんですね。そっちのほうが私には読みやすかったかもしれません。

  • How does a man survive insecurity in relationship? An American go to counseling, English definitely would not. In stead they take a piss out of themselves in a masochistic way as being able to laughing at themselves gives them power like a therapy.
    Rob, the protagonist of this novel does it, so did Charles of ‘Rachael Papers’. Use of American character is also similar in both novels. Carefreeness and alienness of Americans must be fascinating for English writers and it comes in particularly handy to emphasis English characteristic of reluctance to admit their flaws openly.
    I laughed aloud a lot as I did with ‘Rachael Papers’. The ways Rob describes his failures with girls were extremely funny and so true at the same time and because of this, laughter is sometimes uneasy ones – the ones we do when we face the cruelty of reality. I like the way Hornsby going into such finer details of anxieties deriving from sex and many, little, niggling situations we experience in relationship. Each chapter is packed with energetic humours yet often ends with sobering, almost existential statements, which I find exhilarating.
    After Rob’s pilgrimage of all ex’s, the novel becomes less funny, loses its steam, as I started working out unconsciously that the ending is not so dramatic and Rob ‘grows up’ in a disappointingly conventional fashion, finishing in a feel good movie way. It is a moral story after all and that is the last thing I want from a novel. Give me anything but a moral story, please.

  • 映画から。

  • レコード店を経営するダメ男ボブが別れた彼女に会っていく.音楽ファンとしては非常に身につまされる内容でした.映画も観てみようっと.

  • 独身、レコードショップ店長の男が元カノのもとを訪ねていくというお話。Nick Hornbyにダメ男を書かせたら右に出るものはいないでしょう。面白くて笑えて、音楽好きはさらに楽しめる。大好きな本の1つです。

  • No music No lifeな人、必読。あと成年男性も。どっちにもあてはまる私には聖書か?身に覚えのあるやりとりに笑ったり、頭を抱えたり。

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