Three Cups of Tea: Young Readers Edition: One Man's Journey to Change the World... One Child at a Time
- Viking Books for Young Readers (2009年1月22日発売)

- ・洋書 (240ページ)
- / ISBN・EAN: 9780142414125
詳細をみるコメント0件をすべて表示 -
To build a school in developing country is very difficult. No money, no material, evil people, etc. What make him move? May be I can't understand only read a book.
Today I would love to write the review of "Three Coups of Tea". A couple of days ago, I read the book in English. It was very inspiring and motivating. Have you heard about the name, "Greg Mortenson"? To tell you the truth, before I read the book, I didn't know about him at all.
He is kind of an American hero. I think most of people know about Mother Teresa because of her great activities. I can tell you that Greg Mortenson looks like her because of his great activities. He is still struggling to build up schools in undeveloped countries right now. Can you imagine that there are so many children who can't go to school in the world? Greg gave such children education. We can't buy education by money, but it is one of the most important part in our life. Education helps our country and brings rich and fame. He thought if he wanted to help people, giving money and foods isn't a proper way for poor people. The best way is to educate children. After they grow up, they will become educated mature; they will be able to solve their problems by themselves.
I love the process that he tried to build up schools against his serious situations. I love his fighting spirit that he never gave up. I also love he conquered lots of problems and could realize his dreams. I really think that he is a good example for us to let us realize that even if we keep having dreams, if we don't work hard, we can't realize the dreams. However, if we work hard, someday we can realize the dreams. -
K2登山中に遭難し、生死をさまよった後、たどりついたパキスタンの農村で命を助けられたGregは、そこに学校を作ることを約束します。同時多発テロが発生し、アメリカとイスラム国家の関係が悪化する中、GregはK2よりも高い山へ登ることに挑戦するのです。Young Readers Editionなので、読みやすくなっています。また巻末にあるGregの娘Amira12歳のインタビューが素晴らしいです。40838wd
K2の登頂に失敗後迷い込んだ村の人々の姿に心を打たれ、パキスタンとアフガニスタンに60以上の学校を建てることになったGreg Mortensonによるフィクション。子供向けバージョンです。