- Amazon.co.jp ・洋書 (420ページ)
- / ISBN・EAN: 9780156030205
Lexile Level: 830L
ATOS Book Level: 5.7
Word Count: 101027詳細をみるコメント0件をすべて表示 -
1/13 Chapter 5
接続詞が少ないから行間を頭の中で繋ぐ作業が必要だけど、それが一文一文を考えさせていて巧い。(私がスラスラと読めないだけというのもありますが。) -
「真実とは何か?」ー3つの宗教を従うパイの物語りが真実なのか否なのか、はたまたメタフォーなのか、考えながら読むと楽しいと思います。 -
Reviews made this book out to be fantastical, and the "author's note" at the beginning talks about a story that will make you believe in God.
It's true the presence of the Bengali tiger and the strange acidic island are maybe kind of fantastical, and I suppose it's a comedy in the sense that Pi is rescued and has a family.
Also his story is less horrible than the alternative story he offers the shipping company; are we supposed to take the second story to be what "actually" happened?
But Pi's story isn't really about hope or faith or love or that kind of inspirational stuff. It's just about the human instinct for survival.
I don't think "fantastical" is the right word for this book. Maybe "absurd". We like Pi because of his ability to see the absurdity of all sorts of things, and it's a very humorous book. Maybe another word is "existentialist", although not like "The Old Man and the Sea", which is more directy about the essence of things. -