Oxford Reading Tree: Level 7: More Stories A: Roman Adventure

著者 :
  • Oxford University Press
  • (3)
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  • (5)
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本棚登録 : 64
感想 : 5
  • Amazon.co.jp ・洋書 (32ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780198483151


  • YL0.7-0.8 語数870 2024.5.29★KNA 
    ORT レベル7 ローマアドベンチャーとジョークの話。外国のジョークは何が面白いのかよく分からない。。なぞなぞのお話はもう少し先ですが、どうかなー。

  • 古代ローマの課題に取り組むビフとチップ。彼女らは4頭立て馬車の模型を作ります。その夜はお母さんとお父さんが古代ローマ人のような服装をして夕食にピザを食べます。ビフが馬車の模型に色を塗っていると、魔法の鍵が輝き出し……。


    【867語/合計 127,484語/275冊目】

  • Biff and Chip made a project about Romans.
    The magic key glowed and they went to Roman.
    They saw a girl called Diana.
    Her brother, Mark showed a real chariot.
    Diana's father and mother are making breads.
    But the bread was flat.
    So Chip had an idea.
    He can make Pizzas.
    Chip told Diana's mother how to make a pizzas.
    It tasted good.
    But nobody was in the street.
    Everyone went to the race.
    So they took the pizzas in the race.
    But they were all busy in the race so they can't eat.
    They saw Mark so Mark ate the pizzas and it was good.
    Biff had an idea.
    On Mark' s chariot, Mark put a banner written"BUY PIZZAS" so every one bought but some soldiers grabbed and meet the Emperor.
    The Emperor ate and it was good but no banners in the chariot from now.
    The magic key glowed.
    The adventure was over.

  • 古代ローマへピザをデリバリーする話。当時はまだトマトは食べ物と認識されていなかった。

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