The Philosophy of Information

著者 :
  • Oxford University Press, Usa
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本棚登録 : 10
感想 : 1
  • ・洋書 (426ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780199232390


  • The Philosophy of Information by Luciano Floridi, Oxford University Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0-19-923239-0 (paper back)

    終章 Chapter 15. A defense of informational structural realism だけ読んだ。

    > Relations (structures) require relata (structured/able objects), which therefore cannot be further identified as relations (structures) without running into some vicious circularity or infinite regress. [pp.353]

    > In particular, from a methodological point of view, the generality of an ontology is a function of its portability, scalability, and interoperability. [pp. 357]

    存在論の〈一般性〉は〈可搬性〉〈拡張性〉〈相互運用性〉の関数 →ITエンジニアっぽい用語

    > An ontology that is highly portable, scalable, and interoperable is an ontology that can be applied to a variety of possible worlds, at a variety of degrees of complexity and that allows a variety of theories that adopt it to interact with each other successfully. [pp.358]

    〈可搬性〉〈拡張性〉〈相互運用性〉が高い存在論はどういうものか →これから説明するISR (Informational Structural Realism) がそうだという前振り

    Object Oriented Programming (OOP; Rumbaugh (1991)) [pp.359] が出てきて俺得


    > For a player, the actual pawn is only a placeholder, whereas the real pawn is an 'informational object'. It is not a material thing but a set of typed variables… [pp.359]


    > The physical placeholder can be replaced by a cork without any semantic loss at the LoA required by the game. [pp.359]

    →チェス盤の物質性(存在感、手触り、フェチなど)を無視しているが、このLoA (Levels of Abstraction; 抽象度) では問題ない。

    > Now in OOP, data structures (e.g. the pawn's property of being white) and their behavior (programming code, e.g. the pawn's power to capture pieces only by moving diagonally forward) are packaged together as informational objects. Discrete objects are self-contained collections of data structures and computational procedures. They are grouped in a hierarchy of classes (e.g. pawns), with each class inheriting characteristics from the class above it (e.g. all pieces but the king can be captured, so every pawn can be captured). A class is a named representation for an abstraction, where an abstraction is a named collection of attributes and behavior relevant to modeling a given entity for some particular purpose at a certain LoA. [pp. 359-360]

    →OO(Object Oriented; オブジェクト指向)モデリング

    > Clearly, OOP provides us with a rich description of informational objects that can be used to conceptualize a structural object as a combination of both data structure and behavior in a single entity, and a system as a collection of discrete structural objects. Given the flexibility of the conceptualization, it becomes perfectly possible, indeed easy, to approach the macro world of everyday experience in a structural-informational way. [The Philosophy of Information by Luciano Floridi, Oxford University Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0-19-923239-0 (paper back), pp. 360]


    > Thus, OOP is not a philosophical ontology but a practical example of a valuable methodology that can clarify the nature of our ontological components and prove their scalability. [pp. 360]


    > OOP is only a good example of how the concept of informational object provides a useful way to conceptualize precisely the relata described as structural objects by OSR. [pp.360]


    15.5 Informational structural realism


    - What can we know?
    - What can we safely assume to be there (in the outside world)?


    > A significant consequence of ISR is that, as far as we can tell, the ultimate nature of reality is informational, that is, it makes sense to adopt LoAs that commit our theories to a view of reality as mind-independent and constituted by structural objects that are neither substantial nor material (they might well be, but we have no need to suppose them to be so) but informational. [pp. 361]



    - black-box
    - white-box
    - grey-box

    > Knowledge is not a matter of either (a) discovering and describing, or (b) inventing and constructing, but of (c) designing and modeling reality, its features and behaviors into a meaningful world as we experience it (semanticization). [pp.370]


    > Structural objects (clusters of data as relational entities) work epistemologically like constraining affordances: they allow or invite certain constructs (they are affordances for the information organisms that elaborate them) and rest or impede some others (they are constraints for the same organisms), depending on the interaction with, and the nature of, the information system that processes them. They are exploitable by a theory, at a given LoA, as input of adequate queries to produce information (the model) as output. [pp. 370]


    > It turns out that we are like Turing's interrogator, since the model of investigation is erotetic: we have indirect (LoA-mediated) access to reality and can query it as a database. [pp. 371]


    > Knowing reality is interpreting it constructively, not portraying it passively. [pp. 371]


    > So the basic idea behind ISR is quite simple: we are inforgs dealing with black-boxes inside a grey-box. The last specification to be added is that these qualifications are LoA-dependent, in the same way as the distinction between being a system and being a component or unit of a system is. A black-box may be opened, but opening it transforms it into a grey-box, in which more black-boxes may be found. Whether ad infinitum we simply cannot know. It might be Russian dolls (informations objects) all the way in. [pp. 371]


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