Information: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
- Oxford University Press (2010年3月26日発売)
- ・洋書 (160ページ)
- / ISBN・EAN: 9780199551378
We live an information-soaked existence - information pours into our lives through television, radio, books, and of course, the Internet. Some say we suffer from 'infoglut'. But what is information? The concept of 'information' is a profound one, rooted in mathematics, central to whole branches of science, yet with implications on every aspect of our everyday lives: DNA provides the information to create us; we learn through the information fed to us; we relate to each other through information transfer - gossip, lectures, reading. Information is not only a mathematically powerful concept, but its critical role in society raises wider ethical issues: who owns information? Who controls its dissemination? Who has access to information? Luciano Floridi, a philosopher of information, cuts across many subjects, from a brief look at the mathematical roots of information - its definition and measurement in 'bits'- to its role in genetics (we are information), and its social meaning and value. He ends by considering the ethics of information, including issues of ownership, privacy, and accessibility; copyright and open source.
For those unfamiliar with its precise meaning and wide applicability as a philosophical concept, 'information' may seem a bland or mundane topic. Those who have studied some science or philosophy or sociology will already be aware of its centrality and richness. But for all readers, whether from the humanities or sciences, Floridi gives a fascinating and inspirational introduction to this most fundamental of ideas. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
情報倫理においては倫理的言辞は、情報的に理解されるあらゆる存在者を考慮する。つまり人間や生物だけでなくanything that existsやanything that was but no moreも含む。情報倫理はあらゆるものevery instance of beingをmoral claimの中心に置く。infosphereに貢献する義務がある。entropyは悪。※やばい。
第三の革命:フロイト(デカルト的な自我に程遠いwe are very far from being standalone minds entirely transparent to ourselves)
我々はstandaloneではなく、interconnected informational organisms or inforgsである。
我々を取り巻く環境a global environment ultimately made of information, the infosphereは世界the universeの別名である。
今日の存在の条件the criterion for existenceは、
近代哲学の「認識されうるものsubject to perception」でもない。
「インタラクトsubject to interaction, even if intangibleできるもの」だ。
To be is to be interactable, even if the interaction is only indirect.
産業革命でunique objectsの世界からtypes of objectsの世界になった。
あの馬とこの馬は違うが、あの車とこの車は実質的に「同じ」virtually identicalだ。
我々はオンラインのインフォーグとして固有で入れ替え不可能な存在individuals as unique and irreplaceable entitiesから大量生産の匿名な存在mass-produced, anonymous entities among other anonymous entitiesになっている。我々はブログやFacebookで自身をself-brand and re-appropriateする。
We use and expose information about ourselves to become less informationally anonymous.
情報革命は形而上学的な動揺metaphysical driftを招いている。
RPTモデル resource-product-target
資源としての情報の倫理 information-as-a-resource ethics
要点:availability, accessibility, accuracy.
Information-as-a-resource ethicsに関してdigital divideやinfoglutが問題。情報源のreliabilityやtrustworthinessも。
生産物としての情報の倫理 information-as-a-product ethics
In the context of accountability, liability, libel legislation, testimony, plagiarism, advertising, propaganda, misinformation, and more generally the pragmatic rules of communication.
Immorality of lyingについてのカントの分析はこの種の情報倫理の代表。
環境に作用する情報の倫理 information-as-a-target ethics
Privacy, confidentiality, hacking, security, vandalism, piracy, intellectual property, open source, freedom of expression, censorship, filtering, contents control.
Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion by J. S. Mill
Microethical approachの限界:シンプルすぎる。不十分。
Big brother. monitoring and control. Ownership and fair use.
Information ethics as a macroethics
Ontological shift.
Patient-oriented ethics.
The 'receiver' of the action, the patient, is placed at the core of the ethical discourse, as a centre of moral concern, while the 'transmitter' of any moral action, the agent, is moved to its periphery.
entropyは悪。destruction, corruption, pollution, and depletion of informational objects. Any form of impoverishment of reality.
Information ethics
Being/informationはintrinsic worthinessを持つ。
It substantiates this position by recognizing that any informational entity has a right to persist in its own status, and a right to flourish, i.e. to improve and enrich its existence and essence.
あらゆるmoral agentにはインフォスフィアに貢献する義務があり、エントロピーを増大させるのは悪である。
情報倫理においては倫理的言辞は、情報的に理解されるあらゆる存在者を考慮する。つまり人間や生物だけでなくanything that existsやanything that was but no moreも含む。
情報倫理はあらゆるものevery instance of beingをmoral claimの中心に置く。
In this respect, information ethics holds that every entity, as an expression of being, has a dignity, constituted by its mode of existence and essence (...), which deserve to be respected (...), and hence place moral claims in the interacting agent and ought to contribute to the constraint and guidance of his ethical decisions and behaviour.
The ontological equality principle.
社会契約Social contractは人間中心。
The ontic trust.
- the assets or 'corpus'
- the trustee
- the trustor, or donor
- the beneficiaries
Unwillingly. Inescapably.
Existence begins with a gift, even if possibly an unwanted one.
Infocentric. Ontocentric.
Moral respect: disinterested, appreciative, and careful attention.
Holistic environmentalism.
The challenge is to reconcile our roles as informational organisms and agents within nature and as stewards of nature.詳細をみるコメント0件をすべて表示 -
情報の性質を分類したInformation Mapを手がかりに、簡単な例と一緒に情報とはなんなのかを探っていく。後半は経済学や生物学のアプローチも紹介されていて、小冊子の中にぎゅっと詰まった著作。
個人的に重要だと思うのは、第3章でシャノンの”mathmatical theory of communication”(MTC)の不十分性に言及しているところ。シャノンは情報理論の父として知られているけれど、MTCの実態としては情報の伝達というごく狭い範囲を扱った理論でしかない。だから、情報の意味内容の違いなどには一切立ち入ることもない。ところが、シャノンのMTCは情報技術との親和性が極めて高かったため、MTC=情報理論としての定着してしまった。理工系やIT業界の人でもそういう誤解は多い。そこをはっきりと指摘していることは大事なことだと思う。
MTCの不十分性を指摘しつつ統一的な情報理論の構築を目指したものとしては、西垣通「基礎情報学―生命から社会へ」「続 基礎情報学―「生命的組織」のために学」がある。オートポイエーシスを全面的に援用し非常に難解ではあるが、野心的な著作でもある。