One Day (Movie Tie-in Edition) (Vintage Contemporaries)

  • Vintage
  • (4)
  • (2)
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  • (0)
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本棚登録 : 24
感想 : 5
  • ・洋書 (448ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780307946713


  • When I finished the book and put it down, tears came down naturally. I very much enjoyed this novel. Young Emma is a bit like me, ironic and self-disappointed. The way she gradually changes into a healthy and attractive person, and gains self-confidence is one of the most interesting parts. In contrast, for Dexter, who seemed to be so gifted and happy, born to be in the center of things, god sends the coldest of winds, from time to time. I guess,life is like a box of chocolates, in the long run you never know what you'll get.
    It's a sad story, but also a beautiful one that tells us how precious life can be. I'd like to recommend it to everyone who's lacking self confidence, and being under
    hard times.

  • A twenty year compilation of annual July 15th's of two characters, Emma Morley and Dexter Mayhew. Light read that flooded with British and dark humour throughout. I'm a sucker for stories following the characters through its lifetime, but I can't help but wonder, must all romantic novels end with one of the lovers dying? After reading "Eleven" and "The Time Traveler's Wife," some of the very few novels in the romantic categories that I've read in the past, it seems they all follow a single set pattern showing a lack of creativity--which is hard to admit since "The Time Traveler's Wife" is still one of my favorite novels.

  • 飛行機の映画で見た。途中意識なくなってたりしたんだけど、最後に飛行機の中で号泣してた。もう一回ちゃんと見る。

  • 1988年エディンバラ発ということでおまけの☆3つ。ちょっと長く感じてしまった。映画は楽しみ。最後のシーンはずるい!

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