John Doe Level 1 (Cambridge English Readers)
- Cambridge University Press (1999年5月28日発売)
- ・洋書 (32ページ)
- / ISBN・EAN: 9780521656191
Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A man is found on the street, and taken to hospital. He appears unable to tell the doctor who he is, or where he comes from, but has he really lost his memory? The man is playing a dangerous game, and really knows a lot more than he is prepared to say. When he leaves the hospital, he goes to the house of the nurse who looked after him, and events take a very sinister turn. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CD including complete text recordings from the book.
YL1.6 語数4477 2023.9.28★AKY いつもは途中で集中力が切れてましたが、サスペンスということもあり、ドキドキしながら通しで読み切ることができました!
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横浜国立大学附属図書館蔵書検索 -
YL1.4-1.6 語数4500w "John Doe" とは身元不明者や本名を明かしたくない時に使う男性の名前のこと。
警察から連れてこられて入院しているJohn Doe。彼は記憶喪失の患者なのか、 それとも??
John DoeのフリをしていたJohn。ミステリーとしては物足りなかったけど、ナースの度胸とquick thinkingに拍手。
音声:CERの公式サイトで無料DL可能 (要ユーザー登録) -
所蔵:2F 多読本 837.7/E61/1
The man in the bed said nothing for a moment. / Do you know what amnesia is, John? / It’s when you can’t remember anything. / Everything’s going to be all right very soon. / You’re going to be sorry. / How are we today? /
I hate saspence.
Level 1なのに展開に思わずハラハラしちゃう
20冊目 累計42207語