グローバル化する医療: メディカルツーリズムとは何か

著者 :
  • 岩波書店
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本棚登録 : 33
感想 : 4
  • Amazon.co.jp ・本 (232ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9784000226264




  • [private]高島さんに貸し出し中[/private]

  • (スエーデンの大学院で学んでいた時分に、学内のポータルにアップしていたものを引っ越しています)

    This book seems to be very popular. I had to wait for a month to borrow this book from library since reservation.

    What is medical tourism? With the globalizing flow of information, people who needs medical treatment go to a foreign country. Why do they go to a foreign country? Because medical care in a foreign country can be cheaper, can be better quality, or can be more accessible. Very simple reasons.

    This book focus its discussion on Asian countries, such as Thailand, Singapore, India, Korea, China, and Taiwan. Those countries are now developing very sophisticated medical care infrastructure for foreigners to attract foreign currency. In fact this will serve the same as exporting domestic products to those foreign countries.

    Those sophisticated medical care centers, often managed by business entities, can attract good doctors, often with good education in more advanced countries, with good salaries. As a consequence, there are emerging a polarization in one country between medical treatment for rich foreigners and rich domestic people with good doctors and treatment for ordinary and poor people with not so good doctors.

    The book also discusses problems in medical cares in USA, UK, and France, but goes on reflection on globalization, commodification of medical treatment, and identity of medical professions.

    I remembered one newspaper article I read the other day. Tokyo University Medical School, the tip medical school in Japan and in Asia, has about 100 students in one grade. When a business consultancy Mckinsey held an orientation seminar for new graduates, 25 students out of 100 showed up in the seminar. Actually people in Japan began to regard hospitals as sweat shops. It is true that doctors can earn good salary but it is only as a exchange of hard work of 36 hours or more hours on duty as a normal routine. Not to mention para medical professions with by far less salary but probably with less work hours.

    I don't care which nationality a doctor has when I visit hospital, but I can see only Japanese doctors and nurses now, the number of whom is obviously fading away and there is no replacement but to educate them from Japanese. In the near future I have to wait for one day for 5 minute treatment in hospital (which is already true in some big university hospitals)

  • タイは外国人患者の受け入れ数でメディカルツーリズムを行っているほかの国を大きく引き離している。医療レベルが高くかつ語学対応も十分でアメニティが高い病院があるためである。またタイ人は外国人へのホスピタリティがあり、受け入れてくれるメンタリティがある。

  • もっともグローバル化が難しいといわれていた医療に、メディカルツーリズムという新しい動きが始まっている。アジアを中心に国家戦略として打ち出し、自国の医療や産業基盤の底上げを図っているのだ。その動きは先進国における医療崩壊と無縁ではない。各国の医療現場を徹底取材し、その実像と問題点を浮き彫りにしてゆく。

全4件中 1 - 4件を表示


1987年名古屋大学医学部卒業。医師、医学博士、経済学博士、総合内科専門医。臨床医を経て、1995年9月コーネル大学医学部研究員。外資系製薬企業、国内製薬企業のマネジメントに携わる。2004年、京都大学にて博士号(経済学)取得。現在、多摩大学大学院教授、多摩大学医療・介護ソリューション研究所所長。おもな著書に『医療経済学で読み解く医 療のモンダイ』(医学書院)、『比較医療政策』:(ミネルバ書房)など。

「2013年 『日本の医療最前線』 で使われていた紹介文から引用しています。」


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