ネイティブスピーカーの単語力 基本動詞 (1) (Native speaker series)
- 研究社出版 (1999年4月1日発売)

- Amazon.co.jp ・本 (288ページ)
- / ISBN・EAN: 9784327451325
英語をイメージで理解するには分かりやすく、このシリーズは好き。詳細をみるコメント0件をすべて表示 -
Look at him. He's completely gone!
The story goes that he robbed the rich to give to the poor.
Dogs go "bow-wow".
The cork went "pop".
Our love is going sour.
Geoff went grey very early.
My patience won't go that far.
It's excellent but it doesn't come cheap.
OK. That comes to $12.50.
The club always comes to life around 2am.
She went (come ) berserk.
He ran his eyes over the offer and gave his approval.
The road runs parallel to the river.
Someone left the tap running.
I hate it when my nose runs.
He can't go out because he's got the runs.
The crowd fell silent.
My birthday falls on a Saturday this year.
The rowdy supporters advanced towards the stadium entrance.
He is well forward with the work.
Don't sell yourself short. Reach for the stars.
That pink suit certainly becomes her.
My father grew impatient as he listened to my weak excuses.
He developed AIDS after a blood transfusion.
He developed flu.
Increase the difficulty gradually or the students will lose heart.
I'm afraid my generosity doesn't extend that far!
She's always spreading rumors.
Hedgehogs curl up into a ball to protect themselves.
Do you have a pen on you?
She has a nerve to turn up here after what she did.
listen to/ for/ in
The chicken tastes of fish.
This wine tastes like vinegar.
Your pie tastes delicious/great/yummy
Once she'd tasted fame and fortune, she was hooked.
I love feeling the cold on my cheeks on a crisp winter's morning.
I thought her a reasonable woman.
How sweet of you to think of me on my birthday!
I believe him.
I believe in him..
We believe in giving everyone a fair chance.
They should consider themselves lucky no one was killed.
Suppose your wife left you, what would you do?
If you expect the worst it may well happen!
I expect she'll give in eventually.
I expected you hours ago.
I was expecting at least a kiss from her.
My parents expect too much of me.
All members are expected to obey the dress code.
I expect you to wait up for me.
I'm beginning to understand what you're getting at.
I can understand how you must feel, but that's life!
Am I to understand that you didn't even try to stop him?
Imagine yourself lying on a beach in Bali.
Can you imagine what it's like to be homeless?
A man is known by the company he keeps.
I've never known her to say a bad word about
I've never known a winter like it.
I speak to myself.
Talking to oneself is a sign of madness.
I told myself I'd better be more careful.
I said to myself, 'I'm lucky'.
speak は口から音声が出てくることに焦点
talk はコミュニケーション(会話)に焦点
tell はメッセージに焦点
say は口から出たことばに焦点
You can come to me any time you want to talk.
Let's talk it over.
I can't speak for everyone, but I feel sure most of us support you in this matter.
Come after dark- I don't want the neighbours to
I have to stop seeing you- people are beginning to
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.
Wii I ever get to be a pro player?
Tom got him mad.
I’ m not getting any these days.
a. I’ll have fish and chips for dinner.
b. I’ll get fish and chips for dinner.
a.I must get this washing-machine repaired.
b.I must have this washing-machine repaired.
She’ ll make an excellent kindergarten teacher.
What do you make of him? -
いやほんと。英語をマスターする近道は外人の子供になったつもりで、英語でイメージして、考えて、語る、という癖をつけること。下手な英単語の本より百倍いい。 -