映画篇 (新潮文庫)

  • 新潮社 (2014年7月29日発売)
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本棚登録 : 341
感想 : 29

It consists of 5 different stories named after 5 movies. In the beginning, you’ll see a handmade poster for the free screening of ‘Roman Holiday’, but I wonder why, because there is no story named after it. But this is why this book is wonderful.

I learned to know all the main characters live in the same town, and all of them saw the same handmade poster and tried to go to see the movie with their important person. In the last story, the main character was the producer of the free screening of ‘Roman Holiday’.

I bet you’ll want to watch many movies after you read the book.
(Ichiro さん)

読書状況:未設定 公開設定:公開
カテゴリ: 未設定
感想投稿日 : 2018年11月17日
本棚登録日 : 2018年11月17日


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