
著者 :
  • S&S Books for Young Readers (2006年12月26日発売)
  • (3)
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  • (4)
  • (0)
  • (3)
本棚登録 : 29
感想 : 9

This was a very heart thumping survival story. Brian, a 13 year old boy had to travell on a small plane with only the pilot in company to his dad.Unfortunatly the pilot on the plane had a heart attack on the way and they crashed into a lake in the Canadian woods. Brian survived and planed out what he needed to do until a rescue party comes, he needed food and shelter..... He decided to make a good shelter then search for food. He found some fish and birds so he made a spare and cross bow to catch them, he eventually made a fire to cook them. 54 days later he found a survival package inside the plane with a little electronic device in it which got him rescued.

読書状況:読み終わった 公開設定:公開
カテゴリ: 未設定
感想投稿日 : 2014年1月10日
読了日 : 2014年1月10日
本棚登録日 : 2014年1月10日


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