Oxford Reading Tree: Level 7: Stories: The Lost Key
- Oxford University Press (2011年1月6日発売)

Kipper wanted an adventure.
But the magic key will not glow.
So he put the magic key in his pocket.
Mum had to go shopping.
He went with mum.
Kipper went to the park.
The key fell out of his pocket.
He went to the shops.
Kipper had lost the key.
Kipper wanted to find the Key but Mum didn't.
A man was cutting the grass with the mower.
He ran over the magic key with a clang.
He was very cross.
He threw away the key in the trash bin.
Two boys found the key and tied to a string.
The n they spun it round and round.
The string broke and went to a green house.
A man was angry.
The children went to a junk shop.
The lady said she sold it.
The children went to a man's shop.
It was closed.
They ran back home and get the pocket money.
Mum went the shop with the children.
Kipper found the key.
Mum took the money for the key.
The magic key didn't glow but when Kipper sleeps, The magic key glowed and started a new adventure.
- 感想投稿日 : 2019年6月22日
- 読了日 : 2019年5月27日
- 本棚登録日 : 2019年5月27日