There was a witch and a cat.
The wind blew the witch's hat.
The dog found the witch's hat.
The witch let the dog ride on the broom.
The ribbon go away.
The bird found the ribbon.
The witch let the bird ride on the broom.
The witch's and fell into a river.
A frog saw the wand and the witch let the frog ride on the broom.
The broom snapped in 2!
The witch was alone.
She met with a dragon.
The dragon planned the eat the witch but some tall, sticky thing appear.
The dragon was scared.
The dragon flew away.
The sticky one was the animals who find the witch's things and the cat.
The animals took a bath.
The animal find something and put in the cauldron.
And a new broom appeared!
And they go whoosh!
- 感想投稿日 : 2019年6月17日
- 読了日 : 2018年1月11日
- 本棚登録日 : 2018年1月11日