Breakfast at Tiffany's (Vintage International)

著者 :
  • Vintage (2008年9月16日発売)
  • (6)
  • (3)
  • (1)
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本棚登録 : 60
感想 : 5

Having read a translated version of "A Tree of Night", it's my first time to read Capote's work in English. His rhetoric is perfect throughout the story, his style has toughness and is rich in esprit. It goes without saying that the story fascinates me, Holly, the heroine, has attracted a number ot readers, for a long time, I am no exception.
Only one thing I don't agree with is, why Audrey Hepburn was casted as Holly Golightly. Holly is a playgirl, little bit like a prostitute, so that Audrey, a symbol of innocence, doesn't suit her, I think.

読書状況:読み終わった 公開設定:公開
カテゴリ: アメリカ
感想投稿日 : 2012年11月2日
読了日 : 2012年10月25日
本棚登録日 : 2012年8月30日


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