Nineteen Eighty Four (Penguin Essentials, 95)

著者 :
  • Penguin UK
  • (7)
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  • (3)
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本棚登録 : 139
感想 : 9
  • ・洋書 (336ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780141036144


One of Britain's most popular novels, George Orwell's dystopian tale "Nineteen Eighty-Four" is set in a society terrorised by a totalitarian ideology propagated by The Party. 'It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.' Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, chief city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster, the Thought Police uncover every act of betrayal. When Winston finds love with Julia, he discovers that life does not have to be dull and deadening, and awakens to new possibilities. Despite the police helicopters that hover and circle overhead, Winston and Julia begin to question the Party; they are drawn towards conspiracy. Yet Big Brother will not tolerate dissent - even in the mind. For those with original thoughts they invented Room 101..."Nineteen Eighty-Four" is George Orwell's terrifying vision of a totalitarian future in which everything and everyone is slave to a tyrannical regime. The novel also coined many new words and phrases which regular appear in popular culture, such as 'Big Brother', 'thoughtcrime', 'doublethink' and 'Newspeak'.
"More relevant to today that almost any other book that you can think of". (Jo Brand). "Right up there among my favourite books...I read it again and again". (Margaret Atwood). George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair) was an accomplished social, political and literary commentator and essayist known for his non-fiction works "The Road to Wigan Pier" and "Homage to Catalonia". His most famous novels, "Animal Farm" and "1984" have influenced a generation of twentieth century political satirists and dystopian novelists. This edition of Orwell's seminal novel is introduced by Professor Peter Davidson.


  • ディストピア小説の代表作と言っても過言ではないであろう作品。1984年は私が生まれた年でもあるので、タイトルはもちろん知っていたけど、今まで読む機会がなかった。普段は最近出版された本ばかりを読んでるけど、たまには古い有名どころも…と思った次第。でも、Orwellがこの本を発表したのがまさか1949年だったとは。そりゃあ、その年から見て1984年なんかは近未来として描写されてもおかしくない。

    読み終わった感想としては…「希望がない話」というのが一番。最近よくある、得体も知れないウイルスのせいで世界が崩壊したディストピア作品とは違って、この作品中では世界はそのまま存在するけど、人々の言動はもちろん、思考まで政府に支配されてしまうという精神的恐怖が描かれている。海外の学校では、きっとこの作品が国語の授業なんかで課題図書になったりするんだろうな、というくらい、一度読むだけでは消化し切れないものがある。Orwell自身にとっては何十年も先の未来だった想像上の1984年の世界では、みんな行動も会話も監視されて、使える英語の単語もどんどん削られて表現そのものが出来なくなりつつあったり、存在する3国のうち、常に2国対1国で戦争が起こっているのに、ある日いきなり同盟国がころっと入れ替わったりする。それに帳尻を合わせる為に、過去の記録が書き換えられるんだけど、そんな記録の書き換えを仕事としているWinston Smith という名前の男が主人公。この本はどんな終わり方をするのかと思ったけど、拷問されてまで正気を保とうともがいていた主人公も、最後の最後であちら側の人間に改心してしまうところで終わる。正直、最初から最後まで希望がない…。こんな世界の住人になってしまったら、何を楽しみに生きていけばいいのか。洗脳され、政府の駒になるだけが生き残る唯一の道。自分の知り合いはもちろん、家族ですら、自分を政府の裏切り者として告発するのではないかと怯える生活は正に生き地獄。こんな世界が来るなんて想像もしたくない…けど、Orwellが考え出したこの世界観は、怖いけど本当に凄いと思う。月並みな感想しか書けないけど、これは何度も読んで噛み砕くべき作品なんだろうか。気分が盛り下がるから、再読はしたくないと思ってしまうけど(笑)

  • 【概要】
     また、このオセアニアでは、思想・言語・結婚といった市民生活は、あらゆる統制が加えられ、常にテレスクリーンと呼ばれる双方向テレビジョンとマイクによって、ほぼ全ての行動が監視されていた。街中には常に「Big Brother is watching you」の言葉が。Big Brother とは、このオセアニアにおける統治者であった。

    2010年05月22日 読了
    2019年02月02日 読了
     もちろん、2010年の時にも「Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia!」のシーンもゾッとしたのだけど、今回は、役人として歴史の改変に勤しむウィンストンの心境の変化、ジュリアとの出会いからお互いを求めるところ、そして、その反体制活動が発覚し、お互いが拷問を受けて、思想統制をされてしまうところ・・・その全てが前回よりも鮮明に、かつ、よりココロをえぐるように迫ってきたのだよね。これは、自分の英語力が上がったこともそうだし、併せて、ココロの在り方が変わったのもあるのかな。前者の要素が凄い強いけどね。だから、「対・過去の自分」という意味で、本当に正確な物差したりえる、と思う。
     この「1984」という本は、現代の社会問題について、欧米で使用されている言葉が本当に多く登場する。それぐらい、当時、この本は、世界に大きな影響を与えたのだと。たとえば「Big Brother is watching you」の「Big Brother」などは、ロンドンがテロ爆破が行われた後、沢山の防犯カメラが設置されたことに対して「Big Brother の世界がやってきた」なんて使われ方、されてたし、日本のアニメ「攻殻機動隊」でも米軍の情報処理をする飛行機が投入された時、「ビッグブラザーのおでました!」ってセリフがあった。Big Brother =管理社会 という言葉、覚えておくといいかも♪
     あとは、「Two plus two make five」というフレーズ。2+2は4なんだよ?もちろん。でも、色々な圧力によって、5になりえるんだよね・・・この「1984」でジョージ・オーウェルが伝えたかったディストピアを象徴してるフレーズだよね。White can turn into black みたいなさ。

  • Classics are classics for a reason. I see many argue that 1984 is not a particularly well-written novel, that its brilliance is in the prophecies and political implications. That may well be true, but I found 1984 intensely entertaining, a pure pleasure to read as a book.
    The desperation it creates is so sophisticated and complete. In part 1 and 2, the situation the protagonist in is depressed enough, but while dim there always exists a faint hope. Part 3 crushed this hope one by one, thoroughly and completely, not leaving even the tiniest smithereens for the readers to linger on. The foreshadowing makes you shiver when you realize its meanings. The famous quotes are haunting, chanting in my mind long after I finished reading.

    Few thoughts on the story(SPOILER ALERT):

    1. Why Winston “wins the victory over himself” when he loves Big Brother.

    It can be perceived that throughout forty years of Winston’s life he lives in agony. All that occupies his mind is discontent of his life - resentment against oppression, struggling over insufficient material goods, guilt towards his family, insatiable sexual desire which affects his health in the form of varicose ulcer - and a faint hope to escape those afflictions.
    He isn’t happy and is constantly feeling a certain degree of self-abasement, because he is frustrated with his situation and wishes to confront it.
    At the end of the novel though, Winston is utterly satisfied, “his soul white as snow, with the feeling of walking in sunlight”.
    While sanity may not be statistical, it’s perceivably hard for minorities to live contently in a collective society.
    “Won the victory over himself” means that Winston has finally surrendered, gave his entire self to the party, which correspondingly means that he is finally fitted into the society, relived from pain and gained happiness, as well as loved himself since party memebers=the party=Big Brother.

    2. Does Winston really loved Julia.

    I don’t wish to discuss the definition of “love” here as there are infinite ones, what puzzled me was:
    Earlier in part 3 when Winston is incarcerated in a cell with other prisoners, he mentions that he “hardly thought of” Julia. “He loved her but that was only a fact and he didn’t feel it”.
    Yet later on, Julia seems like the last fort of Winston’s sanity. He has betrayed everything except “his love for Julia”, which becomes the reason for him to go to room 101.
    This looked like a paradox to me, since the main objective of O’Brien’s brainwashing is to let Winston FEEL the love towards the party. Nonetheless Winston’s love towards Julia seems more like a known fact, an obligation rather than feeling.

    Proposed answer:
    Winston’s love might not be “sincere” or “true” in the sense of how we usually define it, but nonetheless it can serve as his last fort as long as he clinches to it. This “feeling” may be a mere fact or duty, but it’s still “true” as it exists and is unaltered. Winston presumably clinches to this love much more during the final phase of brainwashing than when he is in the cell - when he “thought oftnener of O’Brien” who becomes the torturer-, as it is his last hope, the only thing the party couldn’t alter.

    3. Why does the party seek power.

    Well I mean yes, O’Brien has already answered this question fairly explicitly: What the party wants is eternal power over “‘man” that can’t be obtained nor sustained by mortal individuals.
    The thing is, I didn’t really get the motive to obtain it.
    O’Brien claims that individuals are merely “cells” of trivial importance, but in reality, people aren’t components with no emotions. Even the party maintains its power by manipulating and controlling people’s emotions. At least I couldn’t understand what is the incentive to maintain a “vigour organism” while I, the “weary cell”, wither. What is the meaning of grasping power for individuals, if they can’t feel self-worthiness through devoting to the party, and if power can’t bring “wealth nor health nor happiness”? What is the joy of doing so?
    Improving living standards (health, wealth, happiness) seems like the most natural instinct of humankind to me, if those can’t be achieved, what is the meaning of power?
    The only thing that power seems to grant to individuals in the party is the right to “trample, torture and prosecute” others. Are all members of the party sadistic perverts who are only interested in torturing others???

    Proposed answer:
    It is clearly stated in the novel that the founders of the party are not interested in wealth, long-living and etc. They are ONLY interested in PURE POWER.
    So hell yes, the party members are exactly those sadistic perverts. At least the founders and folks like O’Brien are. By brainwashing themselves that they ARE the party, they attain the joy of being the undefeatable immortal “God” that controls everything - “man”.
    And how they sustain the power is by brainwashing everybody else in the world to be the same kind of perverts just like them.
    Indeed, seeking for “happiness” is the natural instinct, the motive of humankind, so the party controls, trains, educates its members to only feel happy and satisfied when they trample on foes, and be under constant fear and hatred of being trampled on. Inner-party members torture the heretics directly, others gain joy by seeing or hearing of them doing so.
    Ultimately, the only thing interests and occupies one’s mind is either trample on or be trampled on.
    The evidence is after Winston is thoroughly transformed into a typical party member, he expresses extreme degree of excitement and joy when he hears the news of Oceania winning the war.

  • 現実社会への皮肉と空想。

  • 正直中年おっさんの妄想的な内容でキモかった。村上春樹にサイエンスフィクション要素を足した感じだろうか。古典作品なので一度は読んでも良いかもしれない。ただそれだけ。

  • 総語数:95000

  • 高校の英語の授業で1回、大人になって英語で一回読んだけど、まだ消化できてない。

  • 想像以上の内容だった。これだけの世界観を描けるのは本当に凄いと思う。





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