関谷英里子のビジネスに効く! ポジティブ英語

著者 :
  • NHK出版
  • (1)
  • (6)
  • (4)
  • (1)
  • (1)
本棚登録 : 67
感想 : 5
  • Amazon.co.jp ・本 (128ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9784140351048


  • NHK「入門ビジネス講座」の関谷英里子さんが書かれた英語の本ということで購入。ちなみに私はNHKテキストの Eriko'sMemoの大ファンです。

  • 当たり前、というか、あぁそうだよな、という基本に帰らせてくれる英語学習の心得本。出張の新幹線で読み終えられる本です。ビジネスで英語を始めたみなさんに、どうしよう、と迷える方々にオススメ!

  • 自己紹介

    I was referred to you by-
    As I mentioned in my email,
    Since this is my first time at this meeting, let me just briefly introduce myslef.
    I'm here today to-/My roll is -
    I'm looking forward to working with you all

    I'm still learning English. But I'm very happy to be talking with you today.
    I hope you can bear with my Englsih. I'm still learning.

    I was so excited about our meeting today that I didn't get much sleep.

    Things have been quite tough, but we're hoping the market will pick up.
    Business did suffer because of the incident,but we've managed to stay positive.
    Things could've been better,but we have hopes for our next product.

    May I interrupt?
    I have a point to add.
    That reminds me

    Exactly! That's why I think there's a potential breakthrough here.
    Actually, I have a different perspective.
    You have a point there, but actually I have a different take on this.

    Does this make sense?
    Are you with me so far?

    It would be great if you could deliver the goods by Tuesday.

    We beleieve our service will satisfy your needs.

    We greatly appreciate your continued support and help.

    Could you give us some feedback on what you think of this product?
    How do you feel about-
    What do you think about
    Can you offer us any guidance about-

    Although we still have more to learn about your business,

    That's where we see the opportunity.

    That wouldn't work for us.
    That doesn't sound realistic.

    That's really the minimum we can go for.
    So how mush do you think is aaporopriate for this product?
    We could lower the price by-% if you do need a discount

    Let me talk you through our price-setting policy.

    In my view,

    When would you be able to send us a reply?

    I need to check on that with- and get back to you.

    We understand your situation, but it would be difficult for us to accept those conditions.

    I wouldn't do that.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

    Please accept our apology for the short notice.

    Could you put that another way?
    Could you elaborate on what you just said?
    Could you repharse?

    Let me share our ideas with you.

    Let's move on to the next topic.
    Let me go over the slides.

    Let's not go there now.
    Let's get back to XX issue.

    It's time to warp up the discussion.
    Are there any other thoughts on that point?
    Is there anything else we should discuss?
    Let me quickly go over what we discussed today.

    We'll get through this together.

    In reagrd to-

    Thank you for your prompt reply.
    I will reply this week. Thank you for your patience.
    Let me remind you that May 19 is the reply deadline.

    XX Meeting on April 14th

    by Friday morning

  • 【目次】(「BOOK」データベースより)
    1 第一印象で勝負が決まる!?/2 会議で発言するテクニック/3 成功するプレゼンのコツ/4 交渉は「勝負」じゃない/5 言いにくいことを伝えるコツ/6 ファシリテーターとして会議を仕切るには?/7 もっと気楽にメールを活用!

  • 兄に勧められた関谷英里子さん。わかりやすかった!あとがきにあるとおり度々読み返して実践して行きたい。

全5件中 1 - 5件を表示


日本通訳サービス代表。アル・ゴア米元副大統領やノーベル平和賞ダライ・ラマ14世、フェイスブックCEOマーク・ザッカーバーグ氏、フェイスブックCOOシェリル・サンドバーグ氏、テスラモーターズCEOイーロン・マスク氏、ヴァージン・グループ創設者リチャード・ブランソン氏など一流講演家の同時通訳者。NHKラジオ講座「入門ビジネス英語」元講師。ビジネスの現場で苦労しながら身につけた英語をわかりやすく解説した、実用的な内容が好評を博す。NHK「英語でしゃべらナイト」(NHK)「未来世紀ジパング」(テレビ東京)などテレビ出演多数。慶應義塾大学経済学部、スタンフォード大学経営大学院卒業。伊藤忠商事、ロレアルを経て一流講演家向け同時通訳サービスを展開。現在米国サンフランシスコ、シリコンバレー在住。スタートアップ投資や日米企業へのコンサルティング、アドバイザリ業務を行う。著書に、本書の元となったベストセラー『カリスマ同時通訳者が教える ビジネスパーソンの英単語帳』、『カリスマ同時通訳者が教える ビジネスパーソンの英単語帳+70』(ディスカヴァー)、『たった3文でOK! 関谷英里子の英文メール術』など。

「2017年 『みんな使える!こなれた英語201フレーズ』 で使われていた紹介文から引用しています。」


  • 話題の本に出会えて、蔵書管理を手軽にできる!ブクログのアプリ AppStoreからダウンロード GooglePlayで手に入れよう