
  • 日経BPマーケティング(日本経済新聞出版
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本棚登録 : 136
感想 : 9
  • Amazon.co.jp ・本 (366ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9784532163600


  • シリアル・アントレプレナーであるジム・クラークの軌跡を描いた一冊。長いけど、最後にスカッとさせてくれる。

  • マイケル・ルイスって面白いけれども、何か自分にはすらっと入ってこない感じ。


  • 367pages

  • ネットスケープの設立者クラークの動きや思想や振る舞いを第三者の立場で書かれている。

  • シリコンバレーを中心にITベンチャーの隆盛、ITバブルが起こった過程がよくわかる。

  • SGI、ネットスケープコミュニケーション、ヘルシオンを起業させたジムクラークの破天荒な性格が書かれている。ただ、ジムクラークの変人ぷりが際立ちすぎて、起業にいたるまでの技術的な背景や時系列がよくわからなかったのが残念。

  • Amazon.com.co.jp


    とっぴなことを思いついては皆を説き伏せ新しいことを始めていくのは彼だけではないはずだが、なぜ彼は毎回成功するのか。好奇心、集中力、勘のよさ、金に対する執着心―― いろいろと理由は考えられるが、こうした要素をもつ人はほかもいるだろう。冒険小説の主人公にもれなくついてくる、何かが起きると予感させるもの、周りを巻き込んでいくパワー、それがひとつのカギなのかもしれない。


    Michael Lewis was supposed to be writing about how Jim Clark, the founder of Silicon Graphics and Netscape, was going to turn health care on its ear by launching Healtheon, which would bring the vast majority of the industry's transactions online. So why was he spending so much time on a computerized yacht, each feature installed because, as one technician put it, "someone saw it on Star Trek and wanted one just like it?"
    Much of The New New Thing, to be fair, is devoted to the Healtheon story. It's just that Jim Clark doesn't do startups the way most people do. "He had ceased to be a businessman," as Lewis puts it, "and become a conceptual artist." After coming up with the basic idea for Healtheon, securing the initial seed money, and hiring the people to make it happen, Clark concentrated on the building of Hyperion, a sailboat with a 197-foot mast, whose functions are controlled by 25 SGI workstations (a boat that, if he wanted to, Clark could log onto and steer--from anywhere in the world). Keeping up with Clark proves a monumental challenge--"you didn't interact with him," Lewis notes, "so much as hitch a ride on the back of his life"--but one that the author rises to meet with the same frenetic energy and humor of his previous books, Liar's Poker and Trail Fever.

    Like those two books, The New New Thing shows how the pursuit of power at its highest levels can lead to the very edges of the surreal, as when Clark tries to fill out an investment profile for a Swiss bank, where he intends to deposit less than .05 percent of his financial assets. When asked to assess his attitude toward financial risk, Clark searches in vain for the category of "people who sought to turn ten million dollars into one billion in a few months" and finally tells the banker, "I think this is for a different ... person." There have been a lot of profiles of Silicon Valley companies and the way they've revamped the economy in the 1990s--The New New Thing is one of the first books fully to depict the sort of man that has made such companies possible. --Ron Hogan
    --このテキストは、 ペーパーバック 版に関連付けられています。

    From Publishers Weekly
    While it purports to look at the business world of Silicon Valley through the lens of one man, that one man, Jim Clark, is so domineering that the book is essentially about Clark. No matter: Clark is as successful and interesting an example of Homo siliconus as any writer is likely to find. Lewis (Liar's Poker) has created an absorbing and extremely literate profile of one of America's most successful entrepreneurs. Clark has created three companiesASilicon Graphics, Netscape (now part of America Online) and HealtheonAeach valued at more than $1 billion by Wall Street. Lewis was apparently given unlimited access to Clark, a man motivated in equal parts by a love of the technology he helps to create and a desire to prove something to a long list of people whom he believes have done him wrong throughout his life (especially his former colleagues at Silicon Graphics). As Lewis looks at the various roles of venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and programmers and at how these very different mindsets fit together in the anatomy of big deals, he gives readers a sense of how the Valley works. But the heart of the book remains Clark, who simultaneously does everything from supervise the creation of what may be the world's largest sloop to creating his fourth company (currently in the works). Lewis does a good job of putting Clark's accomplishments in context, and if he is too respectful of Clark's privacy (several marriages and children are mentioned but not elaborated on), he provides a detailed look at the professional life of one of the men who have changed the world as we know it. (Oct.)
    Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. --このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。
    Book Description
    As American capitalism undergoes a seismic shift, Michael Lewis, author of the bestselling Liar's Poker, sets out on a Silicon Valley safari to find the true representative of the coming economic age. All roads lead to Jim Clark, the man who rewrote the rules of American capitalism as the founder of (so far) three multi-billion dollar companies-Silicon Graphics, Netscape, and Healtheon. Lewis's shrewd, often brilliantly funny, narrative provides ahead-of-the-curve observations about the Internet explosion and how the success of Silicon Valley companies is forcing a reassessment of traditional Wall-Street business models.

    Weaving Clark's story together with that of this new business phenomenon, Lewis has drawn us a map of markets and free enterprise in the twenty-first century and blown the lid off the changing economy.
    About the Author
    Michael Lewis is the author of several books, including the international bestseller "Liar's Poker." He holds an adjunct professorship at the University of California-Berkeley's journalism school and lives in Berkeley with his wife, journalist Tabitha Soren.

  • 本書では,シリコンヴァレーと経済全体に小さな一押しを加える才能を持ったある男,ジム・クラークの人物像を描く.



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