A New Coat for Anna (Dragonfly Books)

著者 :
  • Dragonfly Books (1988年5月12日発売)
  • (3)
  • (0)
  • (2)
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本棚登録 : 13
感想 : 3

I read this book in Japanese.

The title is A over for Anna.

In this case, over means over coat.

I think it's a very nice story.

The mother also has a resolute attitude and a good expression.
Anna's expression is also very good because she is the daughter of such a mother.

Yes, all the characters have good facial expressions.
The compensation for the consideration is postpaid.

I wanted to know why I wanted to read it in English and what country this story came from.

But I don't know. But maybe that country is the victorious country of World War II.
On the front cover, the book is said to have been printed in Belgium.
But French doesn't come out.
After all, it is probably England where Poirot from Belgium lived.

読書状況:読み終わった 公開設定:公開
カテゴリ: 未設定
感想投稿日 : 2021年7月6日
読了日 : 2021年7月6日
本棚登録日 : 2021年7月6日


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