
  • Scholastic Paperbacks
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本棚登録 : 14
感想 : 2
  • ・洋書 (563ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9780439709101


  • Inkheart takes place in the same kind of world we live in. Maggie lives with her father, Mo. The two lives in a house filled with books. One day, a man named Dustfinger visits the house, telling Mo something Maggie did not understand...

    After reading Thief Lord by the same author of this book, expectations were not so high on this book. It was good news in the end, because this book did not qualify as such a striking book either.
    Inkheart is told from the third person limited. Each chapter is considerably short, and is told from the shoes of a certain character (but is third person limited). However, even though this book reaches about 500 pages in total, the characterization of many characters are lacking in quality. They are too simple in particular making the reader feel the characters are "2-D instead of 3-D". Indeed, some characters are actually from the 2-D world, but still, this is not an excuse for the author to laze on characterization. Sometimes, it is repetitive. Sometimes, it is just plain dull.
    The plot twists are not so much of a surprise, and there are numerous chapters that are obviously unnecessary.
    I would say that this book is a measure that can see how pure your heart is...


  •  Rain fell that night, a fine, whispering rain.

Cornelia CarolineFunkeの作品

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