Out of My Mind

著者 :
  • Atheneum Books for Young Readers
  • (4)
  • (2)
  • (1)
  • (0)
  • (0)
本棚登録 : 30
感想 : 6
  • Amazon.co.jp ・本 (320ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 8601400270417


  • 読了 2021/08/22

  • どことなく『アルジャーノンに花束を』を髣髴とさせるストーリーライン。記憶に残る一冊だけれど、欲を言えば、お話として少し尻切れトンボな印象……。もちろん、答えのないことを問題提起している小説なので、あえてのこのうやむやな終わりというは、それはそれで考え深い。

  • Oh my goodness!! This is a well written and awesome book that I highly recommend you.
    I don't know how many tears were fallen down from my eyes not even sad ones, happy ones, as well.
    This book incredibly changed my view and mind to people who have severe cerebral palsy, since I didn't know how they think and feel. This book painfully made me feel how they frustrated so much because they can not even tell that they love someone.

    The girl who is 11 years old and has severe cerebral palsy, Melody isn't able to talk, walk, hold a spoon, and change her clothes by herself, but amazingly smart and knowledgeable. Until she met Elvira, sorta a computer which is able to show everybody what Melody wants to say. After she had had this stupendous present from her parent, it completely made her life comfortable and lively.
    However, Melody experienced discrimination and betrayal from her classmates.
    Also, I'm pleased because I see lots of family ties in this book.

  •  脳性麻痺で四肢を自由に動かすことができず、話をすることもできない11歳の少女が家や学校で経験するあれこれ。

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