
  • 松籟社
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本棚登録 : 19
感想 : 2
  • Amazon.co.jp ・本 (317ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9784879842466




  • 『文献渉猟2007』より。

  • (スエーデンの大学院で学んでいた時分に、学内のポータルにアップしていたものを引っ越しています)

    The book is comprised of 7 essays about homelessness. All essays deal with (at least in part) homeless people and places in Tokyo and they at least made me be aware of the fact that I have feelings/sympathy submerged in my sub-consciousness which can come up to the conscious level.

    Basically the welfare system to help homeless people in Japan is made to assist them to become “independent” and “self-supportive”. Some essays claims the system works just as an apparatus to select those who can go back to labor work from those who can not (and the latter is to be send back to the streets), others claim that the liberty and diversity of cities are being robbed of by policies to get rid of homeless people from the streets. Some attacks hypocrisy of policies which on the surface try to support homeless people but in reality keep them stay where they are (and just wasting taxpayers money while keeping them =bureaucrats busy and help their money= our money in a safer place for their future pensions)

    Homelessness and related policies are often discussed from the perspective of male with their having ability to labor and going back to labor workforce. One essay, however, deals with female homeless people.

    In her article “Jyosei homeless to street identity- kanojyono muryokusaha teikoudearu” (Female homeless and street identity- their powerlessness is resistance), Moon Jeongsil (Chubu Gakuin University) claims some female homeless strategically remain powerless to keep them away from welfare system.

    She takes an approach of street interviews where she casually approaches her targets and establishes relationships with them. They are not systematic interviews, but only listening to what they want to say or willing to say. Common factor among female homeless is all of them have “empty” periods in their life courses and they would never tell about them. Moon says if they were to tell about those periods, their identities will be collapsed.

    Some survive as prostitutes and others survive as “housewives”. Moon pays more attention to the latter.

    Moon reflects on the meaning of being a female and on the street. She observes in many cases a “husband” often goes to daily labor while a “wife” stays at their cardboard/plastic sheet shack. She claims wives strategically place themselves in a position farthest from a workplace and social system as a whole and it is the way for them to stay away from (even remembering) their “empty” periods and things they experienced in the system. By making themselves completely powerless, Moon observes wives are fully aware of their oppressed, structurally and socially constructed positions as homeless and as female.

全2件中 1 - 2件を表示


広島修道大学教員。著書に、『場所をあけろ! 寄せ場・ホームレスの社会学』(共著、松籟社、1999 年)、『社会的排除のソシオロジ』(共著、広島修道大学総合研究所、2002)、『社会学に正解はない』(共著、松籟社、2003)、『文化とアイデンティティをめぐるポリティクス』(編著、広島修道大学総合研究所、2005)など。

「2006年 『不埒な希望』 で使われていた紹介文から引用しています。」


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