
著者 :
  • 太田出版
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本棚登録 : 72
感想 : 9
  • Amazon.co.jp ・本 (216ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9784778311711




  • 古本屋で手に取ったけど、流石に20年以上前の状況が違っててなんとも言えず。

  • 社会

  • (スエーデンの大学院で学んでいた時分に、学内のポータルにアップしていたものを引っ越しています)

    Hidetyuki Tsujimura is Associate Professor at the University of Kyoto.

    I like coffee. I have it a few cups a day, sometimes more. It is what I usually order in a cafe, especially after a long meeting with a client to sort out my thinking.

    Recently McDonald's offers free coffee only one hour a day. I have not checked if they do the same thing in other countries, but considering the number of the stores in Japan, it must cost them a lot. They will never do things unprofitable so it can be a good promotion effort.

    When I eat, I usually think of the original forms of ingredients. Not only meats but also vegetables, we have to kill all those living things and have to live on them. No one on this earth cannot escape from this cycle to maintain living. Even chemical products are usually made from oil which used to be living a long time ago. Within this closed Earth, things are keeping on transforming their forms and compositions. Even human bodies are just part of that transformation.

    Strangely I have not thought of coffee as something we have killed. I didn't feel as sinful as I eat meats and vegetables. It is probably because it is highly transformed and I cannot imagine the original form, as I don't feel as sinful when I use plastic things. But this book reminded me of the simple fact that coffee I drink was living and we killed it (though the book doesn't say anything about this aspect) and there is people who grew it somewhere in the world (the book's theme)

    Prof. Tsujimura conducts field research almost every year at Lukani village on the west foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Why he ended up with Tanzania. I don't know. Probably he used to live there something like 5 lives before. Tanzania is home to Kilimanjaro, a popular kind of coffee seeds in Japan.

    He reveals how the price of coffee is determined in food system which is a chain of relevant elements along production, distribution, and consumption of foods. He claims that coffee future price at Intercontinental Exchange in New York serves as a base, and it is mostly determined by future price of Brazilian coffee which consists of 30% world consumption.

    When investors see an expected, stable production of coffee in Brazil, they habitually think the worldwide production is oversupplied and the coffee price stays at a low level. When weather in Brazil become unexpected, they put money into future market expecting movements (as long as market moves, investors have chances to make money). In this way coffee price is affected by something independent from a real supply level. And even though Tanzania is far away from Brazil and not directly affected by weather in Brazil, the future price level in Brazil (the farms tend to be in low and flat lands so they are usually large in scale: high efficiency) has direct influence on the price in Tanzania (the farms tend to be in high and mountainous places so they are usually small in scale: low efficiency but high quality)

    Tsujimura describes how coffee farmers in Tanzania are sacrificed financially. While he argues that 70% of taste of coffee depends on production and distribution quality (20% roasting, 10% dripping),
    coffee farmers are receiving less than 1% of the consumer price. He used an average coffee price at a cafe in Tokyo from 1997-98 and argues that retail price is 130 times more than the producer price (farmers income). If the price of coffee crisis in 2001-2 where coffee price was very low is used, the retail price becomes 845 times more than producer price. Tsujimura used a average retail price of about JPY400 a cup of coffee, but it usually cost 3 times more in expensive hotels. If I use the price of JPY1,200 at a hotel, the retail price becomes 2,535 times more than the producer price!! This means farmers receive only 0.04% for the coffee price.

    Tujimura claims it is where the importance of promoting fair trade comes in. He himself seems to be involved in fair-trading coffee of Lukani Village, where income from coffee farming tend to be used for getting education, going to hospital, and invest for capital resources.

    I wrote this while having a cup of coffee. It is a cheap freeze dry one and I am sure it is blended. Let's try to remember there are people growing coffee who are often suffering financially.
    And beyond the theme of this book and quite personally let's try to remember coffee was living and we killed it and I drink it.

  • おいしいコーヒーが貧しいアフリカの農家で作られ、生産者は不利な状況で買い取られ、長年のコーヒー価格形成の手順を経て、われわれ日本人の口に入っているということがよく分かるよう書かれている。


  • その一杯のコーヒーを、いったい誰がどのようにして、生産しているか考えた事があるだろうか。そこには、南北問題はじめ、様々な問題がある。辻村教授が通う、タンザニアのある村の様子や村人の話も交えながら、分かりやすく書かれた良書。

  • 私たちが何の気なく飲んでいるコーヒーには隠されたドラマがあった。





  • 県立

  • ありふれたフェアトレード推進論の本。明るく素朴な発展途上国のコーヒー豆生産者から、先進国のコーヒー業者が買い叩いているとし、フェアトレードが進まない理由は消費者の無理解にあるとする内容。論理展開は非常に甘く、特に目新しい点もなかった。


  •  初めて本格的なレギュラーコーヒーを購入したのは、キリマンジャロのコーヒーだった。その時飲んだのは、今となっては入手も難しい高級品種の「タンザニア・スノートップ」で、封を開けた瞬間の"花"のような甘い香りを強烈に覚えている。


全9件中 1 - 9件を表示


辻村 英之(つじむら・ひでゆき)……1967年生まれ。京都大学大学院農学研究科修了(農学博士)。金沢大学経済学部助教授を経て、現在、京都大学農学研究科(農業食料組織経営学分野)教授。おもな単著に『キリマンジャロの農家経済経営』(昭和堂)、『農業を買い支える仕組み』(太田出版)、『おいしいコーヒーの経済論』(太田出版)、『コーヒーと南北問題』(日本経済評論社)、『南部アフリカの農村協同組合』(日本経済評論社)。

「2023年 『季刊『農業と経済』2023年夏号(89巻3号)』 で使われていた紹介文から引用しています。」


  • 話題の本に出会えて、蔵書管理を手軽にできる!ブクログのアプリ AppStoreからダウンロード GooglePlayで手に入れよう