ゼロ・トゥ・ワン 君はゼロから何を生み出せるか

  • NHK出版 (2014年9月27日発売)
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本棚登録 : 1287
感想 : 91

Would-be entrepreneurs are told that nothing can be known in advance: we're supposed to listen to what customers say they want, make nothing more than a "minimum viable product," and iterate our way to success.

Making small changes to things that already exist might lead you to a local maximum, but it won't help you find the global maximum. You could build the best version of an app that lets people order toilet paper from their iPhone. But iteration without a bold plan won't take you from 0 to 1.

I think about this every day these days. How much should I listen to the users vs. how much should I bet in my plan. It is always the big dilemma.

Aaron Levie, the CEO of Box, was always careful to pay himself less than everyone else in the company–four years after he started Box, he was still living two blocks away from HQ in a one-bedroom apartment with no furniture except a mattress. Every employee noticed his obvious commitment to the company's mission and emulated it.

Deciding the founder's salary is one of the most difficult topics. It actually sounds like a really good standard to set it at the lowest on the team.

Here are some bad answers: "Your stock options will we worth more here than elsewhere." "You'll get to work with the smartest people in the world." "You can help solve the word's most challenging problems." What's wrong with valuable stock, smart people, or pressing problems?
Nothing - but every company makes these same claims

There are two general kinds of good answers: answers about your mission and answers about your team.

You'll attract the employees you need if you can explain why your mission is compelling

"Are these the kind of people I want to work with?" You should be able to explain why your company is a unique match for him personally. And if you can't do that, he's probably not the right match.

What we see most from the company recruitment page are the bad answers. However, as the book says, all of them became the minimum requirement to get applications from candidates these days. And now the interviews are the process for the candidates to evaluate whether the company has the good answers or not.

読書状況:読み終わった 公開設定:公開
カテゴリ: 未設定
感想投稿日 : 2023年8月30日
読了日 : 2023年8月30日
本棚登録日 : 2023年8月30日


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