Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box

  • Berrett-Koehler Publishers
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本棚登録 : 27
感想 : 8
  • Amazon.co.jp ・洋書 (240ページ)
  • / ISBN・EAN: 9781576759776


  • いつ、なぜ買ったのかも覚えてないけど、読んでみたらおもしろかった。自分の箱から出て物事を考えること、分かってはいるけどなかなか難しい。

  • 自分の小さな「箱」から脱出する方法のもとの本。

  • 英語の勉強目的で読んだけど、意外とすごく良かった。とても難しいことを分かりやすく噛み砕いてると思う。人って知らず知らず自分で自分をだましてることがあるんだよね。そこから自分を解放するといろいろ楽になるんだわ。

  • 考え方を変えるっていうのは重要、納得。


    この本のように第三者の力を借りることもひとつの手法かもしれませんね。第三者はつねにout of boxにいるのですから。

  • 既に和書を読んだので内容はお墨付き。英文もシンプルなので今回は洋書で。でも絵はやっぱり和書の方が愛嬌があって好きです。

  • 友の本棚に入っていたのを見て読んで見ました。

  • 私にとっては人間関係おける本として、バイブル的なもの。この本を読んだ後、しばらく私は「良い子」になっているらしい(夫いわく)。「自己欺瞞」をやめることで、人間関係が改善するという非常にシンプルな考え方がわかりやすくて、しかも、納得できやすくて気に入ってる。。

  • 2010年9月10日読了

    A. How it get in the box?
    Feeling: "Get up and tend to David so Nancy can sleep"
    1. Honor it
    2. Betray it "Self-betrayal"

    How I started to see my self?
    Victim, Hardworking, Important, Fair, Sensitive, Good dad, God husband
    How I started to see Nancy?
    Lazy, Inconsiderate, Unappreciative, Insensitive, Faker, Lousy mom, Lousy wife

    Lack of commitment
    Lack of engagement
    Trouble making
    Lack of motivation
    Poor teamwork
    Backbiting/ bad attitudes
    Lack of trust
    Lack of accountability
    Communication problems

    B. How we get out of the box?

    What doesn't work in the box
    1. Trying to change others
    2. Doing my best to "cope" with others
    3. Leaving
    4. Communicating
    5. Implementing new skills or techniques
    6. Changing my behavior

    Knowing the material
    Self-betrayal leads to self-deception and "the box".
    When you're in the box, you can't focus on results
    Your influence and success will depend on bing out of the box
    You get out of the box as you cease resisting other people

    Living the material
    Don't try to be perfect. Do try to be better.
    Don't use the vocabulary - "the box", and so on - with people who don't already know it.
    Do use the principles in your own life
    Don't look for others' boxes. Do look for your own.
    Don't accuse others of being in the box. Do try to stay out of the box yourself.
    Don't give up on yourself when you discover you've been in the box. Do keep trying.
    Don't deny that you've been in the box when you have been. Do apologize; then just keep marching forward, trying to be more helpful to others in the future.
    Don't focus on what others are doing wrong. Do focus on what you can do right to help.
    Don't worry whether others are helping you. Do worry whether you are helping others.

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