トランスポーター [DVD]

監督 : ルイ・レテリエ  コーリー・ユン 
出演 : ジェイソン・ステイサム  スー・チー  フランソワ・ベルレアン  マット・シュルツ 
  • 角川映画
  • (77)
  • (180)
  • (225)
  • (34)
  • (11)
本棚登録 : 1050
感想 : 144

Unexpectedly.... good....

I am not just talking about Madeleine, but also talking about his moves, Jason Statham's. After researching on him at imdb, I've realized that why I was familiar with his face. It was because he was on "Italian Job", and also will be on the currently filming sequel "Brazilian Job". I also learned that he did his most of stunts including car actions. That explained me a lot why they looked so close to real transporter like actions, if there are such things.

I picked up a package of "Madeleine" at a local Starbucks in Queens after watching Shu Qi's way and learned how the taste is like. I would have been flirted by that exact same way she did for sure. Or should I lean this way to attract some girls? I wish I could do that. : )

読書状況:読み終わった 公開設定:公開
カテゴリ: 洋画:鑑賞その他
感想投稿日 : 2020年5月4日
読了日 : 2007年5月7日
本棚登録日 : 2020年5月4日


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