Correct Your English Errors: Avoid 99% of the Common Mistakes Made by Learners of English

著者 :
  • McGraw-Hill (2008年9月5日発売)
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本棚登録 : 15
感想 : 1

If a two-syllable verb is stressed on the last syllable and ends in a vowel and a consonant, double the consonant and add -ing.

When adding -ing, do not double the final consonant of a two-syllable verb if the first syllable of the verb is stressed
× happenning ✓ happening

When two nouns follow there, use a singular verb if the first noun in the series is singular or an uncountable noun.
× There are a mother duck and some baby ducklings in the pond.
✓ There is a mother duck and some baby dudklings in the pond.(The first noun, mother duck, is singular.)

その他、Linking verbs, Imperatives, Modal verbsなど文法の言葉が

読書状況:読み終わった 公開設定:公開
カテゴリ: 英語学習
感想投稿日 : 2011年2月27日
読了日 : 2011年2月27日
本棚登録日 : 2011年2月27日


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